Amerykanie od 40 lat próbują rozwiązać problem skupu butelek Skąd my to znamy? Nie wiem czy kiedykolwiek w Polsce zostanie to rozwiązane, więc może warto popatrzeć na tutejszy.
It’s almost 40 year since Americans started working on bottle recycling system. Poles know the story well! It was never resolved and I do not think that it ever will, but perhaps it is worth watching American attempts.
It’s almost 40 year since Americans started working on bottle recycling system. Poles know the story well! It was never resolved and I do not think that it ever will, but perhaps it is worth watching American attempts.
Zacznijmy od tego, że pierwszym stanem, który wprowadził opłatę kilku centów za butelkę zwracane w skupie 40 lat temu, był Oregon. W tej chwili już 10 (sic!) stanów ma taką ustawę a kolejnych 7 rozważa ich wprowadzenie.
Let start with look at history - 40 years ago Oregon was the first state introducing a few cents added to the price of bottled beverage, which consumers get back when they recycle the bottle. At the moment there are as many as 10 states with so called “bottle bills” and 7 more consider passing them.
Let start with look at history - 40 years ago Oregon was the first state introducing a few cents added to the price of bottled beverage, which consumers get back when they recycle the bottle. At the moment there are as many as 10 states with so called “bottle bills” and 7 more consider passing them.
W stanach, które wprowadziły takie dopłaty, zwrot butelek sięgnął 80% sprzedawanych, czyli podziałało, ale... nie do końca, bo opakowania różne i właściwie każdy stan wprowadza swoje rozporządzenia co do tego, które z nich są skupowane, czyli misz-masz prawa uderzający przede wszystkim w dużych dystrybutorów mających różne ceny w zależności od stanu. W tej chwili istnieje grupa ekologów, którzy zabiegają o to by wprowadzić jednorodne i ogólnokrajowe rozwiązania prawne umożliwiające jeszcze zwiększenie liczny skupowanych butelek.
The states that introduced the law have seen significant jump in recycling rates reaching as much as 80% so you may it worked… not so fast. The packaging may vary and the recycling regulations in each state vary as well so the big distributors are not happy of course as their products prices vary depending on the state. The group of environmentalist fights to introduce national regulations to increase success rate of bottle bills.
The states that introduced the law have seen significant jump in recycling rates reaching as much as 80% so you may it worked… not so fast. The packaging may vary and the recycling regulations in each state vary as well so the big distributors are not happy of course as their products prices vary depending on the state. The group of environmentalist fights to introduce national regulations to increase success rate of bottle bills.
I znów niby dobrze, ale slogan popierający takie ogólnokrajowe rozwiązanie jest już jak zdarta płyta w ustach polityków „to rozwiązanie zmniejszyłoby nasze zapotrzebowanie na import ropy, stowrzyłoby miejsca pracy w sektorze surowców wtórnych a też pozwoli zatrzymać dwótlenek węgla w napojach bez wysyłania go w atmosferę...” Grunt to wskoczyć na właściwy wózek to i daleko się zajedzie....
Again you would think it’s not a bad idea until you hear the line following these national regulations that sounds like an old phrase used by every politician „it would reduce our thirst for imported oil, support jobs in the recycling industry, and keep carbon dioxide in our soft drinks rather than in out atmosphere...” So it looks like jump on the right wagon and you can go very far…
Again you would think it’s not a bad idea until you hear the line following these national regulations that sounds like an old phrase used by every politician „it would reduce our thirst for imported oil, support jobs in the recycling industry, and keep carbon dioxide in our soft drinks rather than in out atmosphere...” So it looks like jump on the right wagon and you can go very far…
Parade "The Push to Expand Bottle Bills" July 26, 2009.